At any point in time, most of us have rented an apartment. Apartments nowadays are pretty affordable compared to houses. Not only do they provide shelter, but now they are boosting everything to make your life comfortable. While there are numerous benefits to renting an apartment, sharing a large area with many other people frequently means sharing things you don’t want. As if they were bugs. An insect infestation in an apartment can be difficult to eradicate, ranging from flies to roaches and the dreaded bed bugs.

The insect problem is the apartment owner’s responsibility or leasing business in many circumstances. However, because this varies from state to state and even in apartment complexes, it may be up to you, the renter, to deal with the problem independently.

Through this article, we will be explaining what an apartment building inspection is. Moreover, you will also know what is included in an apartment building inspection checklist. At the end of this article, we have tried to answer some of the most frequent apartment inspections. What do they look for!


An apartment inspection is a routine review by your landlord to ensure that the rental unit is in excellent working order, that the property is free of damage, and that you are not in breach of the lease agreement. You might come across a phrase in your lease that starts with “Right to Entry” and ends with the words “inspection by the landlord.” This section specifies when and how the landlord may conduct routine inspections on your property.

While some landlords may not do any inspections or only conduct yearly inspections, it is normal for landlords to inspect their properties regularly, such as every three to six months, as stated in your lease.

Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start when drafting your apartment inspection checklist. We’ve got you taken care of. But, before you move in, make sure to check out everything on your rental inspection checklist.

What’s The Purpose Of An Apartment Inspection Checklist?

Security deposit disputes are the most common reasons renters and landlords find themselves in court. An apartment inspection checklist ensures no unpleasant surprises and that both the landlord and the renter are on the same page about the apartment’s condition before and after it is occupied. After all, you have a legal right to a clean, safe environment.

You can expect your security deposit to be reimbursed if the apartment is in good condition when you rent it and when you move out. The proper functioning of the door is particularly significant as it interacts with the home’s safety, according to the buyer’s apartment inspection checklist. For example, the buyer can look for cracks, rot, loose doorknobs in the frame, or a door that makes an unwelcome sound when it opens or closes.

Before you move in, walk around the apartment with your landlord or property manager to identify any damages or items in need of repair so that they can be addressed and any issues resolved before you move in. It also eliminates the possibility of the landlord pinning such damages on you when you move out, meaning you won’t be responsible for any damages that occurred before your move-in.

What Should An Apartment Inspection Checklist Include?

Like a walkthrough inspection, before you move in or out, your landlord may have a checklist for the apartment inspection that you will both sign and date. The checklist could be extensive or simply a to-do list for that specific visit. The following items can be found on an inspection checklist:


  • Last date of cleaning of gutters on the outside
  • Issues with the foundation or cracks
  • Signs of a weak roof
  • Secure Deck, patio, or balcony
  • The door of a parking garage is functionally
  • Signs of wear, rips, or tears on furniture
  • Electrical and lighting fittings
  • System for heating and cooling


  • Holes on the walls and ceilings on the inside
  • Scratches on the floor coverings
  • Proper functioning of locks and doors
  • Blinds/curtains (if they were included with the rental)
  • Pesticides have been used or not

Here Are Some Of The Things You Might See On An Inspection Checklist:

During an apartment building inspection, the inspection officer looks out for:

1. Examine The Safety Features

A safety inspection is an on-site walkthrough that identifies potential hazards to occupants and staff and possible solutions. Inspections are also necessary for property insurance purposes.

2. Examine The Doors And Windows

Check that all windows are in good working order, with no cracks or broken glass. Look for condensation between the panes, indicating a hole that must be filled. You should be able to open and lock each of your windows, and if you live on the ground floor, many localities require bars on the exterior of your windows. Asure that they are in good condition and that there are no tears if you have screens. You can check if your blinds or other window treatments are in good working order.

All your doors should have functional handles and be able to open and close easily. Check the locks on all doors leading to the outside to ensure they are in good working order.

3. Examine The Plumbing

Check the pressure by turning on the water. Ensure that the hot stays hot and the cold stays cold. Next, turn the garbage disposal on for at least 15 seconds (with the water running) and listen to check if the sound is smooth and consistent. If you want to get rid of anything, like ice, do so. After that, smell for scents. Look for water damage or fractures around and underneath the sink’s base.

4. Consider The Overall Apartment Conditions

The inspector considers the overall apartment conditions ranging from plumbing, doors, windows, bathroom, etc.

5. Examine The Apartment Complex’s Exterior Areas

  • Date of the last cleaning of gutters on the outside
  • Issues with the foundation or cracks
  • Is the parking garage’s door functioning correctly or not
  • The surroundings (if you are responsible for the lawn, is it well maintained)


We hope this article makes your apartment building inspection easy to understand. By now, you must have been aware of the apartment move-in inspection checklist. Covering all aspects of checking is quite a tedious and difficult job it’s better to get help from a professional home inspection specialist to get the entire home inspection before moving to save you lot of time and money

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the most FAQs about the apartment rental checklist are as follows:

1. What do they look for in an apartment inspection?

The landlord ensures that he completes the apartment building inspection. Smoke alarms, appliances, the HVAC system, the water heater, and signs of leaking pipes under sinks and in the basement or crawlspace are all things to look for. Your landlord may also check your home for evidence of hidden pets or other lease violations.

2. What is the point of apartment inspection?

An apartment inspection is a routine check by your landlord to ensure that the rental is in excellent working order, that the property is free of damage, and that you are not in breach of your lease agreement.

3. What happens if someone fails an apartment inspection?

If you fail an apartment inspection, you may be unable to extend your lease, return your entire deposit, or obtain a letter of reference from the landlord for future housing applications.

4. What do they look for in an apartment inspection?

The necessary apartment inspection smoke detectors, appliances, the HVAC system, the water heater, and indicators of leaky pipes under sinks and in the basement or crawl space. Your landlord may also look for evidence of hidden pets or other lease violations.

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