

Plastering Defects: Causes and Prevention

A home is a dream for almost all of us, right? We tend to decorate our house in a lot of ways. One of the ways is painting our house with our own creative minds and choice of colors.  Painting is the step that comes right after plastering of the surface. However, if the plastering done is not of good quality then there are high chance there might be plastering defects which may cause a lot of problems later on. What

tile installation steps

Detailed Tile Installation Steps and Essentials

One of the most important parts of home improvement projects includes installing floor tiles. It is also one of the basic projects which you can do it yourself as well. The tile installation steps mainly involve putting down the adhesive, placing a tile, grouting the tile, and then sealing the grout. That’s it, it’s quite easy. However, if this was really true then everyone would be a tile professional and would be installing their own tiles at home. As easy


How to Treat Dampness in Internal Walls Effectively 

Discover effective strategies in our guide ‘How to Treat Dampness in Internal Walls Effectively’, covering causes, prevention and solutions.  Introduction  Dampness in internal walls can be a persistent and damaging problem for homeowners and property managers. It not only jeopardises the building’s structural stability, but the growth of mould and mildew also presents health hazards. Effectively addressing dampness requires understanding its causes and putting suitable remediation measures in place. In this article, we will examine typical reasons for moisture in interior walls

maharera's quality check assurance

MahaRERA’s New Quality Assurance Framework for Real Estate

Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) is the real estate regulatory body for the Indian state of Maharashtra. It was founded in May 2017 in accordance with the Central government’s enactment of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. MahaRERA aims to protect homebuyers’ interests, regulate the real estate industry, and advance ethical real estate practices. MahaRERA is in news for cracking down on errant real estate projects and builders in order to protect home buyers’ interests, making real estate

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